How we work

1) Lead completes a web form

After landing on one of our consumer-facing property and financial services comparison sites via PPC or SEO, the consumer fills in a web form to enquire about providers for their desired product or service.

We have comparison sites covering:

  • Life insurance, critical illness cover and mortgage protection insurance
  • Home and contents/possessions insurance
  • Second charge mortgages
  • Wills & probate
  • Below market value (BMV) property sales
  • Estate agent comparison

2) We call the lead

Within 30 minutes of the lead entering our CRM, our advisors call the lead to qualify intent, double-check the provided details, gather any extra details as required, and obtain verbal consent to be passed to the most relevant service provider.

We have daily lead targets for each of our clients, so the lead will be pitched their specific service.

Depending on the service and partner requirements, we can gather and verbally verify the following information:

  • Phone and email address
  • Address and postcode
  • Property value and type
  • Mortgage value and length
  • Insurance cover amounts

Additional details can be requested and verified based on your requirements.

3) We send you the lead

As soon as the advisor has collected the details and obtained recorded verbal consent, the lead data can be sent to you using one of the following methods, depending on your tech stack and requirements:


Formatted and sent directly to your CRM.

Web Form

Manually submitted via a form on your portal.

Hot Transfer

Patched through directly to your call team.

Work with us

Start receiving phone-verified leads for insurance, financial services and more.